系列講座 ∕
2021.11.04 |
專場 Q&A ⑦《星球》三部曲

講者: Danielle Giroux;主持:柯宜均
專場 Q&A ⑦《星球》三部曲
訂閱 在地實驗 ET@T YouTube頻道 開啟通知

「數位共感:法國VR特展」專場 Q&A 系列
發行人 Danielle Giroux
After completing her studies in business in the US, for several years Danielle focused on program direction in youth leadership, eventually overseeing a staff of 25 in the nationally accredited camp program 4-H. From here, Danielle went on to complete a masters in Arts and Visual Culture from Université de Paris, Sorbonne CCFS. She then continued on to apply her arts and leadership background in the contemporary art market. Part of the team representing emerging artists from African countries such as Prince Gyasi and Gonçalo Mabunda, she participated in fairs such as 1-54 London and AKAA. Danielle then joined the immersive production studio Atlas V team, under founder Antoine Cayrol, focusing on distribution. In 2021, Danielle became the head of the third branch of Atlas V called Astrea, the branch completely dedicated to the distribution & publishing of a diverse catalog of immersive narrative XR content. Part of the team spearheading distribution in the VR industry, Danielle’s specialities lie in leadership and decision making in publishing, localisation, communication, and international sales of XR narrative content. Some of the award-winning projects Danielle has worked on in distribution include Gloomy Eyes (Webby Awards 2021), Ayahuasca (Tribeca 2019), Battlescar (Numix Awards 2021), Madrid Noir (Tribeca 2021), The Dawn of Art (Emmy Nomination 2021).
法國巴黎第八大學「美學、藝術科學與科技研究所」博士。 台灣數位藝術平台《構造沉浸式的聆聽空間》專題共同策劃(2017)、台北電影節《電影正發生-VR現場》計畫主持人(2018)。2019年起於高雄電影節《XR無限幻境》單元陸續擔任過初賽評審、引言人與講師。目前亦於國立台灣藝術大學授課。